Friday, May 21, 2010

aw man i feel old

Colin went to his senior prom tonight with Grace. gah! wasn't that kid being drug around to soccer games and gymnastic practices like 2 seconds ago?!? i'm pretty sure that for the first 5 years of that boy's life he was convinced that he actually lived in the car.

i can't believe that he went from this...

to this...

and now to this...

so handsome :)

p.s. please excuse my hair in the first picture it was apparently against my religion to cut or brush it.
p.p.s. and this lindsey is why to this day why i cringe at the word perm. my mother's hair circa 1996. love ya mom, and your hair now :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"I'll be back."

i believe the great arnold schwarzenegger once said this in some little movie called the terminator. it's crunch time and that means every spare moment i'm not studying is spent sleeping, eating, running ( ha! not nearly as much as i wish...) or trying to remain calm by talking myself out of spiraling panic attacks. so for the moment the blinders are on--cross your fingers for me and keep me in your prayers because right now i could definitely use all the luck and help i can get :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

study day at the beach :)

when you have to study, it doesn't get much better than this...
81 and sunny :)
and yes, i actually did get quite a bit of studying done-which means that i can actually go back and do this again



presque isle certainly knows how to throw a good sunset :)

nothing very interesting has been going on recently, mainly just studying with the occasional necessary life things like running and food shopping to break up the monotony. wegman's was my exciting break this weekend since i hadn't been in around 3 weeks and meal's were starting to get interesting, i would however recommend strawberry jelly and nutella sandwiches if you run out of peanut butter.

keith is coming up this weekend and i can't wait to see him, definitely something to look forward to <3