Thursday, September 23, 2010

lists and count downs

1. 1 more day of my family med rotation-which was awesome and i got an A :)
2. possibly more importantly 93 days til christmas! that's right i'm breaking out the christmas music, a little later this year than usual i know. hands down favorite christmas song
3. 1 more day until i go to erie and visit linds, ryan & abbie, colby and drew & sarah -- yay!
4. 3 more days until i move into lizz's appartment in philly and start my surgery rotation
5. 63 days until keith's 25th birthday and thanksgiving--which means that i have a mere 98 days until my own quarter life crisis
6. 38 days until halloween and the psu.vs michigan (boooo) football game
7. 619 days until graduation or 891,360 minutes in case you were wondering...whomp whomp

no idea why but i've always loved "To Do" lists and countdowns, there's something so very gratifying to me about being able to put a line through something that i've accomplished. and god knows that if i didn't write down all the things i was supposed to do i would never remember

some more pics from last weekend down the shore

saturday on the beach with some ominous looking clouds
the spring-release door for the detergent wasn't working so obviously they had to take off the entire dishwasher door in attempt to fix it--unfortunately to no avail

sunset over the bay from chris' rooftop deckkings :)

keith is pretty upset over bert's distress at unable to being able to find the correct puzzle piece
this picture only makes me feel slightly creepy for taking it...

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