Monday, March 29, 2010

well helllloooo there

i've officially done it.
i am now 'that girl'.
i started a blog.

in an effort to maintain the slight hold i've got left on my sanity, and feel like i'm somewhat connected to the world outside of med school (lord knows i forget that sometimes there is such a thing) i thought it best to send my rambling, sometimes coherent, thoughts and stories of the everyday happenings of my life out into the vast infinite nothingness that is the internet. whether or not this is a good plan or not remains to be seen, but i figure i'll give it a go anyways :)

this is mostly due to the fact that it's been a long day, we have a pretty hefty derm exam this morning and i'm at that point of where i still can't get my mind to quite shut down from the million-miles a minute i've been asking it to go since about last tuesday. that and the internet, which i am now finally paying for by the by, has conspired against me and decided that it doesn't want to load any of the shows that i've backlogged into hulu (did you know that it'll turn red and yell 'EXPIRED' at you if you don't watch them fast enough??)

i think i'm going to have to do a 'warm-up' for this whole blog thing, like i need to stretch or something beforehand otherwise i'll end up benched in game of blogging.

yup. definately have no idea what i'm doing. however my the dishes that i've ignored since last friday are now yelling so loudly for me to wash them that you can probably hear them.

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